Our environmental, social and governance commitments

We are a signatory to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI), and we will perform our first mandatory PRI Reporting in 2024.
Aquiti is a signatory of the France Invest Charter’, which aims to promote Gender Parity among private equity players and the companies they support.We are signatories to the Charter of Commitment on Value Sharing.
The signatories of this charter declare that they are in favour of sharing value with employees and commit to playing a leading role with their participations.
In 2023, Aquiti's RNA fund was labeled « Relance » (French Label).The «Relance» label recognizes funds that commit to quickly mobilize new resources to support the equity and quasi-equity of French companies, listed or not.
The objective is to direct the savings of savers and professional investors towards these investments that meet the financing needs of the French economy following the health crisis. Labeled funds must also meet a set of environmental, social and good governance (ESG) criteria.